Saturday, January 17, 2009

Funny...Hiao Doctor.

Model sues plastic surgeon for not making her (. )( .) nipples even after a breast implant...

HiaoUncle is sure that doctor would say THEY LOOKED GOOD TO ME!!!!.....hahaaa...


  1. what u mean never make her nipples? u mean she got d boobs, but lack d nipples? hahahah, one can imagine how that person boobs look like.

  2. The Dr from Pusrawi also said it looks good to me, and now he disappears.

  3. Did you notice that the doctor is cross-eyed? Look at his two eyeballs. One goes to the extreme left and the other to the extreme right.

    That's the punishment when you don't pay attention when you engage the services to surgeons for operations like this.

    Boy, if my malay boy punya friends were to engage his services to circumcise their dick, he might even snip off part of it and claim that the hole thing looks good!...hahaa.
